Top 5 Exciting Sex Doll Trends
Posted on April 01 2017
As we approach the release of full-fledged sex robots, we will also see improvements to sex doll technology. Many of the early features of sex robots will be implemented in sex dolls to make them more lifelike.
If you want to learn more about sex robots you can read about their release here - What will the first sex robots be like?
Here are the sex doll trends we are most looking forward to as we approach 2018.
Self-heating Sex Dolls
Sex Dolls that have an internal heating mechanism will become a standard feature of all high quality sex dolls. Sex dolls have been able to completely recreate the look and feeling of a vagina, however a common point of feedback has been it’s hard for owners to recreate the warm body temperature sensations. To get around this, sex doll owners have warmed their dolls using warm water, warm towels, or even specialized electric heating inserts (think an electric dildo that gets warm).
By 2018 this will be a problem of the past, sex dolls will have internal heating systems that will warm the sex doll’s genital to body heat temperatures. The most common implementation will be an electric plug extending from the back of the neck. Prior to usage the user will simply plug-in his sex doll for a few mins to allow the sex doll to warm up. When ready for use the sex doll can be unplugged as silicone and TPE are surprisingly efficient at holding heat.
As the self-heating sex doll technology improves we may see battery operated heating systems that don’t require the user to plug their doll into the wall prior to usage. We may also see improved controls for the heating mechanism such as an app where the user can select exact temperatures. Ideally, we see this system as one day being fully automatic, where if someone is initiating sex with a sex doll, she will automatically begin to warm up. The will be possible with the implementation of touch sensing sex dolls (see below).
Touch Sensing Sex Dolls
An early feature of sex robots will be their ability to sense when and where they are being touched. This feature will begin to appear in sex dolls as well. Essentially sex dolls will be outfitted with a ‘nervous system’ embedded under their skin that will be sensitive to human touch. There are many applications for this technology, but we see it first being used to allow the sex doll to become reactive to the actions of their owners.
For example, touch sensors would be able to detect foreplay actions like kissing and touching of her breasts, she could then respond with receptive vocals and her genitals would warm and maybe even lubricate in preparation for sex.
Furthermore, sex dolls with sensors in their genitals would be able to ‘feel’ pleasure and make the sex experience more of a 2-way experience. It is likely that in the future owners will be able to give their sex dolls orgasms.
Ultra-realistic bodies
The physical appearance of sex dolls is definitely the furthest along in terms of achieving the likeness of a real woman. When we compare it to things like sex doll artificial intelligence, or sex doll robotics, they are years behind how real sex dolls look today. However, sex doll manufacturers are not stagnating on the physical appearance of their products (Silicon Wives included). Sex doll appearance will continue to improve and become more realistic this year.
How will sex dolls become more realistic looking? Wives sex blog answers many of the questions such as how skin technology will improve, we will see less silicone and TPE dolls. Sex dolls will be made with proprietary synthetic materials. These materials will allow better integration with technology like touch sensors, and feel more realistic. You’ll begin to see the same subtle patterns, lines, and textures of real skin. The material will also differ in firmness depending on what part of the body its located. For example, places where bones are close to skin, like hips, shoulders, elbows, will feel harder than those places where women typically have more fat deposits, like breasts and ass.
Artificial Intelligence Sex Dolls
Fully sentient sex robots are the end goal, but on our way there sex dolls will begin to have personalities. The personalities will be simple at first, as we have seen in the early prototypes such as:
The Harmony AI developed by Real Doll -
Samantha the Sex Robot -
The artificial intelligence capabilities will rapidly learn and become more integrated with the sex doll. Sex dolls will be able to have conversations of all types and in varying levels of intimacy with their owner. Owners will also be able to fine-tune their sex dolls personalities to become the perfect companion.
Sex doll artificial intelligence will also be able to connect to the word wide web at some point. This will allow your sex doll to have all the sex knowledge in the world (if it’s available online). Imagine a sex robot that can teach you all about the karma sutra.
Celebrity Sex Dolls
The final sex doll trend to look for in the coming months is the emergence of celebrity sex dolls like taylor swift blow up doll. The demand is there, it’s just a matter of time before celebrities start licensing their likeness to be recreated as a sex doll. We will likely see porn actress and anime characters appear first as they will have an easier time dealing with the social/reputation impact. If lucrative enough however, we will begin to see all types of celebrities willing to have their bodies recreated as sex dolls.
Recently there has been press about a man who created a sex doll to look just like Scarlett Johansen, here’s what she looks like. Not bad!